Blue is the best colour

Blue is the best colour

Understand the Various Wallpaper Pattern Matches that Could Be Used in Your Home

by Jo Ward

All wallpapers, except murals and textures, have been designed to display some form of pattern repeat. Understanding the nature of these repeat patterns is very necessary as it affects the number of rolls to be purchased and the manner in which it is hang on your wall. The repeat pattern comes as a result of the vertical distance between one position on the wallpaper to the next identical position vertically. The continuous repeat on the surface hence creates an integral part of the desired design of the wallpaper.

This repeat can be designed to range anywhere starting from an inch or even less. The various pattern matches compete to bring out a unique and beautiful look that will capture your attention. In this case, you have to make a choice based on your taste and liking.

For complex wallpaper projects involving irregular openings, lots of cutting, non-square rooms or wallpaper coverings that are difficult to hang with tricky patterns, always feel free to involve a professional salesperson to handle your needs. Here are the three types of wallpaper pattern matches you must learn.

Random Pattern Wallpaper Match For wallpapers that have a random match pattern, you may not have to worry about matching anything at all. The patterns are able to match perfectly irrespective of how adjoining the wallpaper strips are positioned. They make a perfect option for most beginners who have little or no experience in handling wallpaper. In addition, this pattern produces very minimal wastage since there is no need for a repeat distance. A major recommendation when using this pattern is to reverse every other strip to limit visual effects such as colour variations and shading from edge to edge.

Staring Across Wallpaper Match This type of pattern starts over at the ceiling line which means that the design has to make a perfect match with the strips on either side. It takes more planning and organisation than random matches, but does not typically involve complex patterns.

Drop Match Wallpaper These are the most complex patterns. They require a good deal of planning and organisation since the pattern matches must be well aligned both vertically and horizontally with the wallpaper on either side. Due to the dual alignment, drop patterns result in a lot of waste as many rolls are needed to make the necessary pattern matches.

Two types of drop match patterns:

Half-Drop Pattern: The design tends to run diagonally repeating itself at the ceiling line on every other strip.

Multiple-Drop Pattern: It is the most complex match and can take four or more strips to evenly complete the vertical design.


About Me

Blue is the best colour

My favourite colour is blue. I have just moved into a new house and it's so bland and beige at the moment. I need to get busy and start painting the walls and hang some wall paper to introduce some of my different colour into the house in different ways. If you also love blue you'll know how flexible and interesting the colour can be in all of it's differents shades and tones. This blog has my inspiration on introducing blue in your walls and all around your home. There is no need to be blue about the lack of blue in your home!